CALL FOR PAPERSFollowing the results of the conference, we plan to publish collections of best practices and scientific articles, which will undergo the peer-review procedure, in the series indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, as well as in the scientific journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic”, “Studies of Wildlife of Kyrgyzstan” (SWK) with subsequent placement on the basis of scientific electronic library elibrary and inclusion in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Journal SWK is included in the list of peer-reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Board of the Kyrgyz Republic. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Sustainable development and ecosystem bases for the survival of mankind;
- Specially protected natural areas, their role in preservation and restoration of ecosystem diversity and Sustainable Development Goals;
- Impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the diversity of ecosystems, mechanisms of sustainability and biotic regulation;
- Socio-economic aspects of sustainable development in the Central Asian region;
- International Conventions. Support of local community in realisation of the Convention and obligations of Central Asian states;
- Legislation of Central Asian countries on conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable development;
- Current state of mountain ecosystems under climate change. Monitoring the diversity of flora, fauna and ecosystems;
- Conservation and restoration of flora and fauna biodiversity (including rare and endemic species), as well as vegetation cover of natural and urbanised areas;
- Local practices to conserve and restore native biodiversity;
- Equity, youth, women's participation in decision-making processes for biodiversity conservation and restoration and sustainable development;
- Networking and digital platforms as instruments of influence for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development;
- Sustainable management of natural areas, ecological framework and micro-reserves, issues and perspectives of nature reserves;
- Sustainable development: cultural and world outlook bases;
- Ecological-microbiological, ecological-geochemical, radioecological assessment of the state of natural-technogenic landscapes.
We ask all those who are interested in publishing scientific articles to contact the organizers by sending an application to the specified e-mail address:
Banur Abdieva +996772203949